NILD Zimbabwe

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Grammar Workshop

This workshop run by NILD Zimbabwe was initiated by demand from NILD educational therapists.
NILD recognises the importance of teaching grammar as one of the language strands. This workshop is designed to model how to weave the grammar component, into the “strands of language”, into a language braid that is comprehensive, constructive, and creative.
One day in person workshop.

Grammar is about how people make sense in speaking and/or writing

  • Grammar is an important strand of language study, both in its own right and as part of making meaning
  • Children have implicit knowledge of grammar which is best developed by helping them make sense of what they want to write and say
  • Recent research shows significant positive effects from teaching that gives explicit attention to relevant grammatical constructions within the context of pupils’ writing
  •  Talking about language (metalanguage) develops greater understanding of how language works
If grammatical knowledge, spelling and punctuation are to make positive contributions to children’s writing, they need to be taught and assessed in the context of writing meaningful texts, not as sets of ‘facts’ or ‘rules’.
Learning to write is about much more than grammar and the conventions of transcription. Grammatical knowledge should be neither taught nor tested outside the context of purposeful writing.

The grammer workshop was a revelation! It taught me the breakdown of what i have instinctively been doing myself and trying to teach for years and clarified a whole lot of topics! I would recommend it for all teachers!


  • Integrate Grammar into Language Instruction: Equip educators with effective strategies to seamlessly incorporate grammar into broader language teaching

  • Enhance Understanding and Application: Improve students’ comprehension and use of grammatical concepts within meaningful writing contexts

  • Promote Comprehensive Language Learning: Foster a holistic approach to teaching grammar that is constructive, creative, and aligned with purposeful writing

Start the Workshop!

NILD recognises the importance of teaching grammar as one of the language strands. This workshop is designed to model how to weave the grammar component, into the “strands of language”, into a language braid that is comprehensive, constructive, and creative.